Testimonial to Lynette West
The Biodynamic Education Centre regrets to advise visitors and associated members of the community of the passing of Lynette West, founder and driving force behind the propagation of Biodynamics through teaching for the last 20 years.
Lynette West touched the hearts and minds of many through her passion for Biodynamics. She made it her lifes work to see that Biodynamics had a easy to learn from structure available to anyone, with the goal of giving this method of farming a standard to be proud of. She met with much resistance and overcame more obstacles than anyone should have to encounter but the result is that her work is finally starting to receive recognition.
Lynette spent 20 years of her life interpretting Rudolf Steiner and other pioneers in Biodynamics and writing the material they devoted their lives to in a way that anyone can learn from. Her dream was to see Biodynamics established in every country in the world with no barriers, financial or otherwise, preventing people from learning to farm in this way.
The Biodynamic Education Centre will continue to support and distribute the work she devoted her life to and attempt to make Lynette's dream a reality.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you all in the future.